FIFA Pace Calculator

Pace is one of the most important stat of players in EA Sports FC and especially in the Ultimate Team. Pace attribute determines a player’s speed in running on the pitch.

To calculate the running pace, the distance is divided with the running time. Usually the distance unit used for pace calculation is based on 100 meters distance divided by running time per second (100m / sec). Here is a calculator which estimates the pace rate calculated in for EA Sports FC players.

Pace Calculator

Running Distance
100 meters
Running Time (per second)
Pace Stat (PAC)


Enter the time in seconds that a player could complete a 100-meter run to see their estimated PACE rating in EA Sports FC game. The highest rating is 99 which could be achieved by minimum 9.8 seconds. Learn more on Pace Attribute in FC.

Comments (359)

359 thoughts on “FIFA Pace Calculator

  1. I did this with my friends and I got the highest with 72 the rest were all in the 60’s, I guess I am sort of fast?

    1. Kind I’m going on the phone now and then I’m just getting back into work I love the music but it’s just not the music that makes you says:

      I got 99 and i m for

  2. An alle die sagen das ihr 99 pace habt. Stimmt zu 99% eh nicht dann wärt ihr schneller als usain bolt.

        1. Thats a lie. The world record is 9.48 seconds. This is 100 metres, run it on a track. For you age, maybe 17 to 18 seconds is the fastest.

  3. iam 10 got 92 suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is the goattttttt
    messiiiiiiiiiiiiii iss baldly bad and messes up things he is a don birch

    1. I got 98 pace les go im as fast as mboppers i got 9.88seconds

        1. I got 95 pace I’m 10 there’s a video of me doing 100m in 10.7s it got 20 million views on YouTube

  4. 10.2 sec 100 m dash and got 97 pace as an 18 year old and if ya’ll are wondering if it’s true, I compete in track and field as well as soccer.

      1. it depends in which country do you live in for example US ppl call it football but UK / british ppl call it soccer!

          1. I am 10 and in 100 meters I got 73 pace if you think that is slow it’s almost as fast as lewandowski

      1. Al deze 9 jarige kinderen in de reacties zijn zo hard aan het cappen over hun snelheid. Welk 9 jarig kind kan nu 99 pace hebben? Dan loop je meer als 10 meter per seconde. Doe eens normaal man.

      1. Cr7 I am such a big fan I am in Sharjah close to Dubai
        When I score in football or basketball I always celebrate like you I played football for 2 years in two years I become a very good player and I have 99 pace

        1. أنت تعلم أن هذا ليس كريستيانو رونالدو الحقيقي ، أليس كذلك؟

          1. Tbh stop lying im 10 ik the real speeds max a 10 year old can run
            10 meters is like 11 seconds not faster

        1. You’re lying. The world record for the fastest eight year old is like 13 seconds. But you’re like 5 so that’s impossible.

      1. I agree with Adam Mike Kamal, Syrus, You can’t have 99 pace while you are 5! The fastest 8 year old has 83 pace, you slow man

        1. Bro you would be in the Olympic Squad and winning the under 18’s country sprinting so I’m pretty sure you are lying

  5. 87 pace at 17 years old. This is not enough if I want to be a good 60 meter runner. However, I can still improve and it’s still a respectable pace.

    1. Bruh, that’s obviously fake. Usain Bolt’s world record of 9.58 seconds wasn’t even close to 6.25 seconds. If you really were that fast, imagine how many Olympic medals you would’ve gotten and world records you would’ve broken.

  6. This is good for footballers who wanna see where they are with their pace. And then be able to improve if it’s slower than the pace they would like to have

      1. I’m 68 years old and I got 21 pace………when I wax a younger aged 21 I played with liverpool for a year and had about 88 pace as I was a winger

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