Your Wishlist for FIFA Mobile
Write your ideas for FIFA Mobile’s upcoming update, write about the things that you would like to see in the next update of FIFA Mobile game. Share your ideas and suggestions by writing down your FIFA Mobile wishlist here.
Let’s talk about your ideas, suggestions, concepts and comments for FIFA Mobile in the form given below. We will send your comments to the EA Sports developers.
- FIFPlay is not an official site of EA Sports. We will only submit the best ideas to Electronic Arts
- Try not to ask for your favorite league, Vote for FIFA 18 Leagues here instead
- Write only in English
I would like for FIFA Mobile for the next season to add overtime in the H2H match since sometimes you tie with the opponent you are playing.
Having substitution in h2h will be more interesting.hope they add that in the update.
Pls create a mobile career mode. Also please can you spend more time on career mode to improve it and can you sort out gameplay.
bringing card to card trading in fifa mobile
I wish to have a Zidane milestone skipper to skip just one milestone.
Suggestion- The season is coming on an end so every player can get the chance of getting a free prime icon. So I suggest to add one zidane milestone skipper to just skip one milestone and need to complete the rest milestone to get zidane 98:)
I wish that the star pass would continue in the other fifa mobile game too ( fifa mobile 21 and so on) . PLEASE
I would like “trading mode” in FIFA MOBILE.
And I would like a better Leo Messi Team Of The Week card (min.95 ovr and RW postion)
Pongan modo carrera para jugar las ligas asi como en las consolas
Modo carrera jugador
Crear jugador
Modo carrera dt como en las consolas
Concept suggestion – Concept of career mode.
You can choose only 1 league at start of the event. Then play league matches against the teams in the league with your TEAM to win the league.
There will be “career mode specific energy”. Users cannot endlessly play but can play based on career mode energy. Energy will be refreshed every hour.
There will be 10 seasons numbered 2010-11 to 2019-20. Each season will have 17 or 19 matches based on the league.
Once a match is lost, it cannot be replayed. Drawn matches will not have extra time or penalties.
You must stay at top of points to win the league. If you win all 10 seasons, a 95 rated player of the league will be awarded.
More rewards will be given based on number of seasons won.
i like what your wishlist is and wish its like that but the season if you lose a match i just want to inform you that its almost like nba live, i know that because i also play that
1)var should be added
2)head to head is good but with your friends which are in your friend list
3)it will be good if mic feature can be added to fifa mobile just like pubg (main reason of its popularity is that
it can be played with the friends of their own choices.
4)new story modes of some legendary moments in champions league ,etc.
I hope the advises given would help you to give us an exciting seasons and updates.
Don’t stop match when you have attack
When playing head to head it would be pretty cool if there was a replay of the foul that causes a penalty after one occurs the same way there is a replay after every goal
I just want that we could pick a team that we could play next season only .
I want this to be a one time update. .
Could u pls do this for at least one year . Pppppppppppplllllllllllllsssssssssssss
Or I want Messi
My wishlist-
A. let you choose away or home kit
B. add the third team kits
C. Give better foul chances
D. new dribbling mechanics for more moves
E. stadium selection
F. Lifelike gameplay like injuries, grass stains, heading battles, etc.
G.Long shots improved better volleys, outside foot shot
H.Goalkeepers should be good no matter what height, like in real life.
I. Finally, better pack chances and ways for f2p to get good cards
Head to head was one of the best features added to Fifa mibile 19. Now they can refine this feature by enabling us to play somebody of our choice e.g. a friend and the game would be complete.
Just bring back fifa 16 ut (android/ios) with kits,players,stadiums. . . .for the season 19/20
I’m playing fifa mobile on a iPhone in Guyana a Caribbean country and due to restrictions i can’t add my visa card to my phone for some reason or the other so i am unable to get any fifa mobile points. I can afford it however besides money there should be some other way of acquiring fifa mobile points
I just want EA to make it easier to get coins and germ and add more capign match ( like FIFA mobile season 1)
1. Realistic graphics
2. Substitutions
3. Create a player
4. New camera views
5. Able to do a goal celebrations
6. Realistic players
Samuel Eduok is in Erzurumspor not Kasımpasa and please add other player in Erzurumspor
1- Carrier Mode
2- GER X GER in attack duel
3LAST- the system puts the market with the price of the system
Here’s my wishlist:
1. Fifa Mobile 16 graphics
2. Save goal repititions
3. Substitutions
4. Take some training and scouting events off and add CAREER MODE
4. Being able to send a request to buy a player from someone in our league.
5. Local games: Being able to match your friends live together.
6. Edit profile picture to your club choice or upload one.
7. Bring national teams back and add continental events like Copa América and Euro
I think a good idea is to bring an event with a the player that was the best For his club. For example ajax cruyf.. 1 player For every club in the game… I think its a very dificult idea but an attractive one
1. Realistic graphics
2. Substitutions
3. Create a player
4. New camera views
5. Able to do a goal celebrations
6. Realistic players
Ronaldo and Messi in our starter squad
put kick-off modes like the one in FIFA 19
Add Indian super league and Indian players we also have some elite players like sunil chethri
– More camera views
– Record your goal replays
– Sync with your FIFA Ultimate Team club on your console
– Control your goalie
– Career mode like in FIFA 19
I want-
How about bringing back fifa 14 and maybe modify it with that fifa 16 engine but set graphics levels so it’s has the opportunity to play on all phones
Now yes Fifa has to make money so create the ultimate team as an option in the game but make exhibition cup and tournament offline so people with bad internet can still have a chance
In the ultimate team all the features can still be put there the vsa H2H and all that can be there
But bring back that fifa 14 experience cause it was epic
* Pls make it available offline also because server not good.
* make FIFA 19 more of FIFA 16 mobile gameplay but not ultimate team.
* Add manager mode to it.
* improve the AI
Change to formations please. Can we bring the true 3-4-3 Diamond (3-1-3-3) back to Mobile? It was available back in FIFA 14. Also can players that are semi in position (i.e. orange position chemistry in FIFA 15), like LM/CM/RM, CAM/CM, CF/CAM, ST/CF, etc. have half skill boosts? They are technically in position, so they should receive a boost. That would give players more flexibility in putting players.
And it would be good to bring skill moves back. The through pass button should have an option for becoming the old skill move button. That would allow rainbows, feints, around-the-worlds, and stuff (easier).
make full matches!!!!!!
– Create statistic for each player after the match (common EA it’s easy) This way you can see which players could be replaced.
– Update the market – the pricing must be fair.
– May be it is better to remove the current VS mode. It is not fair after my time is over to own 2 or 3 goals from 85 team, since I’m 91.
– More training packs
– New ability to train and upgrade and refine each single player. After the player is upgraded his market price can be higher than normal.
Yes yes yes Yes yes yes Yes
Trade or exchange within the league with all (unsaleable players, tokens, other) to strengthen the community again
Improvement of the market -> Update absolutely deficient
VS attack for “normal” players again
Currently you lose more of the game every day
You can see the TOP 250 for the game
This is my wishlist
1. Realistic players
2. New dribbling system
3. Champions League
4. UEFA Supercup
5. International Cup
6. Copa Del Rey
7. AFC Champions League
I like
I like
bring tactic 4-2-1-3
create boost tokens that can be applied on the players
fifa mobile draft would be amazing
Goal line technology is needed lots of goals not registering when crossing line if it bounces back out goal is not given also since new update curling not as good..maybe playing a mini tourny with 8 players all have to pay entrance fee of 1 token which is awarded daily in daily tasks only 1 token per day winner gets 75k or 1000 gold.
I think you should make position change tokens which can be used in any player for any position in their group of attack mid and Dec not allowed to change from mid to def for example change tokens should be allowed only once then player card is locked..
how do all youtubers get 10k fifa points
keep the toty season again reduce the cost of players like messi ronaldo and more
Add on fifa mobile practice arena,it to be very good idea
make a red event like the blue star event and have pogba as the star
Add trading within leagues so me can give other people in our league players for players I think it would work but only within leagues
Can u add a messi plan where u only have to give in 10 elitd players?
Unlock a millionaire pack for people who make 1million coins by playing the game (not trading)
Can you give us a pack with like 30 season 1 tokens?? lol
There are at least a few hundred thousand of us that would greatly appreciate that
Why everytime my LB or RB crossing…my ST do backflip automatic…?
Countered tactics are good but sometimes your opponent gets more attacks than you in your turns which is ridiculous, please fix this ea.
That we could change players positions for free, for example: Messi 95 RW to RM ,ST and etc..
How more formations for example there is no formation with CAM and wingers
I’m really confused why not we get two tokens when we reached FIFA champion at the be of season2. One we can use for griezmann and one for ozil.. also I have another question we can’t redeem season 1 player I need few more tokens for Vidal… really confused ea didn’t say anything before but they changed everything that’s really bad …. how can I get more tokens for Vidal
can.u.guys.do like.more packs and fifa points and can u put in javier hernandez in the next attack mode seoson
Bring chemistry styles to fifa mobile