FIFA 22 Chemistry Styles

FIFA 22 Chemistry Style

A Chemistry Style card is a consumable item in FIFA Ultimate Team that can be used to change a player’s style of play by improving a set of attributes. The complete list of FIFA 21 Ultimate Team Chemistry Styles.

Chemistry Style cards permanently change a player’s Chemistry Style until a different Chemistry Style is applied to that card. When a player’s individual Chemistry reaches 100, a player card with Chemistry Style has the best effect.


FIFA 21 Ultimate Team Chemistry Styles (Consumables) Value Table

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats
Basic BAS PAC +1
SHO +1
PAS +1
DRI +1
DEF +1
PHY +1
+5 Acceleration, +5 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +5 Shot Power, +5 Volleys, +5 Penalties, +5 Vision, +5 Long Passing, +5 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Agility, +5 Ball Control, +5 Dribbling, +5 Marking, +5 Standing Tackle, +5 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +5 Strength


Special Chemistry Styles

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats (100 Team CHM / 10 Player CHM)
Hunter HUN PAC +3
SHO +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Positioning, +10 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +15 Penalties
Catalyst CTA PAC +3
PAS +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Vision, +10 Crossing, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +15 Curve
Shadow SHA PAC +3
DEF +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +10 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle


Chemistry Styles Suggested for Attackers

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats (100 Team CHM / 10 Player CHM)
Hunter HUN PAC +3
SHO +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Positioning, +10 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +15 Penalties
Sniper SNI SHO +3
DRI +3
+10 Positioning, +15 Finishing, +10 Volleys, +15 Penalties, +5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling
Finisher FIN SHO +3
PHY +3
+5 Finishing, +15 Shot Power, +15 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +10 Penalties, +15 Jumping, +10 Strength, +10 Aggresion
Deadeye EYE SHO +3
PAS +3
+10 Positioning, +15 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +5 Penalties, +5 Vision, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +15 Short Passing, +10 Curve
Marksman MRK SHO +2
DRI +2
PHY +2
+10 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +5 Penalties, +5 Agility, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +5 Dribbling, +10 Jumping, +5 Strength, +5 Aggression
Hawk HWK PAC +2
SHO +2
PHY +2
+10 Acceleration, +5 Sprint Speed, +10 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Shots, +10 Volleys, +5 Penalties, +10 Jumping, +5 Strength, +10 Aggression


Chemistry Styles Suggested for Midfielders

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats (100 Team CHM / 10 Player CHM)
Catalyst CTA PAC +3
PAS +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +15 Vision, +10 Crossing, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +15 Curve
Artist ART PAS +3
DRI +3
+15 Vision, +5 Crossing, +15 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Agility, +5 Balance, +10 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling
Architect ARC PAS +3
PHY +3
+10 Vision, +15 Crossing, +5 Free Kicks, +15 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Jumping, +15 Strength, +10 Aggression
Powerhouse PWR PAS +3
DEF +3
+10 Vision, +5 Crossing, +10 Long Passing, +15 Short Passing, +10 Curve, +5 Interceptions, +10 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle
Maestro MAE SHO +2
PAS +2
DRI +2
+5 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +10 Long Passing, +10 Volleys, +5 Vision, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +10 Dribbling
Engine ENG PAC +2
PAS +2
DRI +2
+10 Acceleration, +5 Sprint Speed, +5 Vision, +5 Crossing, +10 Free Kicks, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +10 Dribbling


Chemistry Styles Suggested for Defenders

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats (100 Team CHM / 10 Player CHM)
Shadow SHA PAC +3
DEF +3
+15 Acceleration, +10 Sprint Speed, +10 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle
Sentinel SEN DEF +3
PHY +3
+5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +15 Marking, +15 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +15 Strength, +10 Aggression
Guardian GRD DRI +3
DEF +3
+5 Agility, +10 Balance, +5 Reactions, +5 Ball Control, +15 Dribbling, +10 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +15 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle
Gladiator GLA SHO +3
DEF +3
+15 Positioning, +5 Finishing, +10 Shot Power, +5 Long Shots, +10 Interceptions, +15 Heading, +5 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +15 Sliding Tackle
Backbone BAC PAS +2
+5 Vision, +5 Crossing, +5 Long Passing, +10 Short Passing, +5 Curve, +5 Interceptions, +5 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +5 Jumping, +10 Strength, +5 Aggression
Anchor ANC PAC+2
+10 Acceleration, +5 Spring Speed, +5 Interceptions, +10 Heading, +10 Marking, +10 Standing Tackle, +10 Sliding Tackle, +10 Jumping, +10 Strength, +10 Aggression


Chemistry Styles for Goalkeepers

Name Abbr. Distributions Stats (100 Team CHM / 10 Player CHM)
Wall WAL DIV +2
HAN +2
KIC +2
+10 Diving, +10 Handling, +10 Kicking
Shield SLD KIC +2
REF +2
SPD +2
+10 Kicking, +10 Reflex, +10 Speed
Cat CAT REF +2
SPD +2
POS +2
+10 Reflex, +10 Speed, +10 Positioning
Glove GLO DIV +2
HAN +2
POS +2
+10 Diving, +10 Handling, + 10 Positioning
GK Basic BAS DIV +1
HAN +1
KIC +1
REF +1
SPE +1
POS +1
+5 Diving, +5 Handling, +5 Kicking, +5 Reflex, + 5 Speed, +5 Positioning


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