Vote for FC 25 Leagues

FC 25 Leagues

Which football leagues need to be featured in EA SPORTS FC 25 game?

Vote now for the leagues you would like to see them added to the Football Club 25 Leagues list. Show EA which football leagues must be fully licensed for their forthcoming FC game.

Use the voting form to cast your vote and support your favourite league.

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Which Leagues Should be Licensed for EA Sports FC 25?

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Football Referee

Note : FIFPlay is not related to EA. We will only submit the results of this survey to EA Sports PR and developers at Electronic Arts.

Comments (542)

542 thoughts on “Vote for FC 25 Leagues

    1. جون خودت ایران رو بیار❤️❤️پرسپولیس استقلال سپاهان

  1. Everyone wrote about the Iranian league in the comments, but no one needs the shitty Iranian relatives. We want South American leagues. Brazilian, Colombian, Argentinian leagues, etc., and while playing the career mode, we should be able to choose teams from these leagues and compete for both the championship and the libertadores. Those who want the Iranian league should let their stupid regime live in their own garbage dump.

    1. If you don’t like iran league please be quiet and don’t say about south american league because south american league is a ridiculous league

    1. سلام من به ایرانی ها میگم هر کدوم باید شصت هفتاد تا رای بدیم خودمون ایران رو اضافه کنیم

  2. Iranian league ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. IRAN and ISRAEL for FC 25 ✅
    ❌❌❌ NO to the Islamic Republic Regime, which kills people and children ❌❌❌

    1. no never Israel in fc 25
      islamic republic of iran have a prefect national team and supports palastine
      Israel is killing the people and children no islamic republic
      i think you forget anything

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