FIFA 16 New Celebrations Tutorial

FIFA 16 new celebrations tutorial – Learn how to do the new celebrations in FIFA 16.

Celebration PlayStation Xbox
Point Up Hold L1 and Flick R to left + R right Hold LB and Flick RS to left + RS to right
Stomach Slide Hold L2 and Tap ? ? Hold LT and Tap Y Y
Bailando Robot Hold L1 and Flick R to up and R to down Hold LB and Flick RS up and RS to down
Timber Hold L2 and Press ? Hold LT and Press B
Glamour Slide Hold R1 and Flick R to left (twice) Hold RB and Flick RS left (twice)
Chest Thumb Hold R2 and Flick R to down (twice) Hold RT and Flick RS down (twice)
Riding the Wave Hold L1 and Press ? Hold LB and Press Y
Knee Slide Fail Hold L2 and Flick R to left (twice) Hold LT and Flick RS to left (twice)
KO Hold L1 and Tap ? ? Hold LB and Tap X X
Camera Interactions Sprint to Cameraman Sprint to Cameraman
Sub Interactions Sprint to the Substitues Sprint to the Substitues


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