3-1-4-2 Formation
3-1-4-2 is a 3-5-2 based formation which is more concentrated at the midfield part of the pitch and is more defensive than 3-4-1-2-formation. 3-1-4-2 formation engages five midfielders including one CDM who could participate in defence, while the other midfielders can control the ball in the middle of the pitch and assist to the strikers to score goals. The defenders are required to work hard in this formation as there are only three of them.
This formation is suitable for the games you are trying to win and you need to concede no or less goals at the same time. 3-1-4-2 is a moderner form of the 3-5-2 formation and is available in all FIFA game modes except in the FUT mode.
Position Rows and Structure
This formation has four rows which feature 3 defenders, 5 midfielders and 2 strikers (attackers).
- Row 1: 3 Defenders - LB | CB | RB
- Row 2: 1 Midfielders - CDM
- Row 3: 4 Midfielders - LM | CM | CM | RM
- Row 4: 2 Attackers - ST | ST
Suggested Counter Formations
- 4-5-1
- 4-1-3-2