3-4-1-2 Formation
3-4-1-2 is a 3-5-2 based formation which is more concentrated at the midfield and is more offensive than 3-1-4-2-formation. 3-4-1-2 formation engages five midfielders, including one CAM who helps strikers when attacking. Defenders in this formation are required to work hard in as there are only three defenders in 3-1-4-2.
This formation is suitable for the games that you are planning to win at any price. 3-4-1-2 is a moderner form of 3-5-2 formation and is available in FIFA Mobile and in all FIFA game modes.
Position Rows and Structure
This formation has four rows which feature 3 defenders, 5 midfielders and 2 strikers (attackers).
- Row 1: 3 Defenders - LB | CB | RB
- Row 2: 4 Midfielders - LM | CM | CM | RM
- Row 3: 1 Midfielders - CAM
- Row 4: 2 Attackers - ST | ST
Suggested Counter Formations
- 4-5-1
- 4-1-3-2