FIFA Mobile – 4 Seasons: Spring Break

FIFA Mobile Spring Break

FIFA Mobile 4 Seasons: Spring Break program is live from 8th to 29th of April 2021.

  • Event Duration: 8 to 29 April 2021 (21 Days)
  • Ads: 3 ads per day – 7 Spring Energy per ad
  • Coin Packs: 7 Weekly Coin Packs – 7 Spring Energy for 28,500 coins
  • Daily Claim: 5 Watering Cans
  • Energy: Spring Energy refreshes 1 per hour with a max of 21

For Neighbourhood Points, play daily Skill Games and Matches. Use Watering Cans to grow a variety of delicious Points that you can redeem for Gifts, each with a different set of benefits. For Spring Break players, use Egg Hunt Tokens. For rewards and Spring Break Players, use Neighbourhood Points along the journey.

Rain or Shine

You can collect Neighbourhood Points by playing two matches and five skill games in this chapter. You will receive a Completion Bonus of Watering Cans if you complete the daily path. The path can only be completed once each day, and it will be refreshed every 24 hours.

Here is the list of rewards you can get from this chapter:

Type Cost Win Reward Loss Rewards
Skill Game 1 7 Spring Energy 70 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Skill Game 2 7 Spring Energy 70 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Skill Game 3 7 Spring Energy 70 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Skill Game 4 7 Spring Energy 70 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Skill Game 5 7 Spring Energy 75 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Match 1 7 Spring Energy 75 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Match 2 7 Spring Energy 75 Neighbourhood Points 7 Spring Energy
Completion Bonus 15 Watering Cans

Daily Milestone
Win 2 VSA or H2H Matches
5 Watering Cans

Garden Gifts

Use your Watering Cans in this chapter to grow Melon, Strawberry, and Grape Points.

This is how it works:

  • Use your collected Watering Cans on different gardens.
  • Wait for your Melon, Strawberry or Grape Points to grow.
  • Collect your Points.
  • Spend them in the Spring Gifts section.
Garden Type Cost Harvest Time* Reward Unlocks at
Matchup Melons 5 Watering Cans 8 Hours 15 Melon Points Available immediately
Slidetackle Strawberries 10 Watering Cans 12 Hours 10 Strawberry Points Collect 50 Sunshine Points
Goal Post Grapes 25 Watering Cans 24 Hours 5 Grape Points Collect 100 Sunshine Points

*Amount of time required to redeem your Points.

Go to the Spring Gifts section after you’ve harvested your hard-earned fruity points and use them to collect goodies.

There are 4 different types of gifts here:

  • Melon Points open Melon Gifts.
  • Strawberry Points open Strawberry Gifts.
  • Grape Points open Grape Gifts.
  • Bonus Points open Cream of the Crop Gifts.
  • Receive Bonus Points whenever you open any Melon/Strawberry/Grape Gift. Bonus Points are used towards Cream of the Crop Gifts.

Possible rewards from gifts could include:

  • Resources (Coins, Skill Boosts, Training XP)
  • Common and Rare Shards
  • Base Players
  • Spring Break Players
  • Egg Hunt Tokens
  • Neighbourhood Points
  • Icon Points
  • TOTW Premium Points/Tokens

Egg Hunt

Use your Egg Hunt Tokens to earn more Spring Break Players, Skill Boosts, and Coins in this chapter. After eight pulls, you’ll get a guaranteed Player.

Spend 400 Egg Hunt Tokens
200 Neighbourhood Points


On the walkway, use the Neighbourhood Points from the Neighbourhood chapter. Some Neighbourhood Nodes will randomly distribute 85+ OVR player cards, while others will provide assured players.

Two End of Era Players are available here:

  • 96 OVR RB Lars Bender
  • 96 OVR CB Sven Bender

Here is what you can claim from here:

Egg Hunt Milestone Reward
Spend 100 Egg Hunt Tokens 20 Watering Cans
Spend 300 Egg Hunt Tokens 3 Grape Points
Milestone Reward
Spend 15,000 Neighbourhood Points Event Icon 97 OVR CAM Juan Riquelme
Claim all Neighbourhood Nodes Prime Icon 103 OVR LW Rivaldo


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