FIFA 21 Squad Builder

FIFA 21 Squad Builder

Using the Squad Builder tool in FUT 21, you can build a squad quickly for your FUT club or for a SBC challenge.

Squad Builder helps you create the best squad possible automatically by setting some filters on your players so you can speed up your team creation while getting the most possible OVR and Chemistry.

Squad Builder feature is available where create squad is available (in Squads and SBC menus). Here is the list of filters you can set to build your squad quicker:


  • Quality – Searches for Player card quality (Bronze, Silver, Gold & Special)
  • Nation/Region – Searches for Players based on their nationality
  • League – Searches for Players based on their league
  • Club – Searches for Players based on their club
  • Formation – This is the formation Squad Builder will use
  • Replace Players – If Yes selected, will add player to every slot, including occupied ones
  • Concept Players – If Yes selected, will search all players available in FUT

Advanced Filters:

  • Acquire Date – Prioritise items by date acquired
  • Untradeable – Include or exclude tradable/untradable items
  • Sort by – Sort items by their OVR or Quicksell Values

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