FIFA 22 frequently asked questions are answered here. If you have any questions that are not listed here, use the below form to ask us, we will be answering your questions on FIFA 22 as soon as possible.
When is FIFA 22 release date?
FIFA 22 release date is on 1st October 2021. For more information on the release date and early access to play the game first, check out the FIFA 22 release date and FIFA 22 early access pages.
On which platforms is FIFA 22 available?
FIFA 22 will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC (Windows), Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia.
Is FIFA 22 available on Playstation 3 and Xbox?
No, FIFA 22 is not available on PS3 and old Xbox platforms.
How much is the price of FIFA 22?
FIFA 22 price range will be from $59.99 to $99.00, depending on the game editions.
Can I get a copy of FIFA 22 for free?
The full version of FIFA 22 is not free, however the FIFA 22 demo version is available for free download. There might be some free giveaway copy of FIFA 22 after the release. You can follow us on our social channels to stand a chance to win a free copy of FIFA 22 if there is any offer:
How can I pre-order or buy FIFA 22?
FIFA 22 pre-order and buy is available as digital download and physical disc. Go to the FIFA 22 Pre-order page to see the details.
What are the benefits of pre-ordering FIFA 22?
There are major benefits from pre-ordering FIFA 22, 1) You will get extra in-game content such as FUT packs by per-ordering the game. 2) You will have early access to play FIFA 22 in advance. To see more details on pre-ordering benefits, go to our FIFA 22 buy page.
How to get a discount on FIFA 22?
As a loyalty offer, you can also get a 10% discount on FIFA 22 when buying it digitally from your FIFA 21 home screen, for more details, check out our FIFA 22 online order page.
What are the games modes in FIFA 22?
You can see the available game modes in FIFA 22 here.
Can I transfer my FIFA 21 Ultimate Team coins and cards to FIFA 22?
Your FUT 21 coins and players are not transferable to FUT 22. For more details on how to transfer and carry over your FIFA 21 items to FIFA 22, read our FIFA 22 Carry Over Instructions.
Can I buy FIFA coins for my FUT club?
Buying and selling FIFA coins are considered illegal. By doing so you will put your account at the risk of getting banned by EA Sports.
Will be there any new league in FIFA 22?
FIFA 22 is expected to have at least a new league added to the game. We will update the list of FIFA 22 leagues once the licensed league list is confirmed.
Will be there a web-version of FIFA 22?
FIFA 22 will be available as a stand-alone game on gaming consoles. There will be FIFA 22 Web App where you can manage your FUT Club for people who play the Ultimate Team mode in FIFA 22.
How many players does FIFA 22 have?
FIFA 22 features over 17,000 players in the game.
Overall, Fifa is a very solid and decent game but there’s some things I want to cover. First, the create the club needs to be better: Add sponsors to kits, give more kit options as well as more badge options, Stadium creation should be expanded so we can create a stadium based on how we exactly want it, teams should be given as much players as one wishes as well as the ability to edit players and also in normal career mode, we should be able to edit real clubs kits. Secondly, Player career should be better: have the ability to get a higher rating, more and better hairstyles like old pes and there should be other types of career modes like owner, referee, assistants and even a fan mode. We should be able to play outside the match when playing career mode like the nba games. Thirdly, PLEASE add composure and def awareness stats when creating or editing a player . Finally, Can u please work on the actual gameplay itself, I play on ps4 and I know its not next gen but it should still have better gameplay. For example, goalkeepers are too good, handballs are too often, offside happens too much and just how the game works.
Thx for paying attention and I hope you take this into consideration
All the best
First of all header goals almost impasible to score on fifa 22 .
Season and ultimate teams in the rivels gettingshit because the game being very fast
i am unable to book interveiw session for vi=olunteer 22 fifa please help all sessions seem full
when i make my custom squads, and get into a new career save file, some players always revert back to their old rating. i.e i’ll make a 90 rated player, and when i use that player in career mode, the rating goes back to 80 and the the stats all go back to default?
how I cam pause game in fifa22 friendlies play ?
I see that pause queued but what press for rela pause ?
I can’t see any manual or instarcton about that on xbox s ….
Substitutions are min 5 now every where in all leagues and competitions why is it still 3 on fifa
It’s saying my account is restricted for some reason can you tell me why
I Reddemd The Twitch drop but haven’t received it
I’ve claimed my prime pack and I haven’t had it yet in the game !
I’ve claimed my prime pack and I haven’t had it yet
Hi ea I have just claimed my first pack on amazon prime gaming and I still haven’t received it yet and i claimed it last month and I am now waiting to to claim this month’s pack
have not got my amazon prime rewards yet and i claimed them a week ago
Hi EA,
I am here to ask why the Ultimate Team (FUT Champions and Div rivals) need PS plus? Not everybody can pay 49 BGN every month. In Fifa 20 I can see the online draft and Div rivals dont need a PS Plus. Why in Fifa 22 you need a PS Plus.
Its useless guys. You will make more sells if you delete it and make it without PS Plus.
Thanks for your time.
Why is there no Balkan countrys like Croatia Bosnia Serbia in game?
hello, I would like to know if the jerseys of the national teams will change ? because there is the 2022 world cup
My son preordered FIFA 22 but has not received a physical disk yet. Can you please advise when this will be sent. He has received an email with a code that does not work yet.
Thank you.
I bought fifa ultimate edition before 2 weeks
They mentioned that we will get ones to watch pack
Does it mean that we get otw card every week
Il aure une ligne Canadienne oui ou non
Kommer der VAR I FIFA 22