Champions Channel in FIFA 20 FUT Champions game mode allows you to watch match replays from the best FUT Champions players in the world.
Champions Channel is available under FUT Champions (Weekend League) screen. Unlike FUT Champions competition which is available only on weekends, Champions Channel replays are always available to watch. The replays are from top 100 players from the leaderboard and top weekly players.
Why do we need the FUT Champions Channel?
FUT Champions replays are shared with the community as the top FUT Champions games. By watching these replays, users can learn from the top players about the their:
- Gameplay skills
- Tactics & strategies
- Moves, buttons & controller inputs
- Squad & formations

How to Watch Replays
To watch FUT Champions replays, go to FUT Champions screen, select the Champions Channel tab. Under the FEATURED and TOP 100 LEADERBOARD tabs, select a match replay to watch.

Replay Controls
You can control the replay video using the following controls:
- Toggle View / Hide Menu – PS4: Triangle / Xbox: A
- Controller Inputs – PS4/Xbox: D-pad Left/Right
- Pause/Play – PS4: X / Xbox:
- Camera View: PS4: Square / Xbox: X
- Skip Back/Forward – PS4: L2/R2 / Xbox: LT/LT
- Change Player – PS4: L1/R1 / Xbox: LB/RB
- Replay Speed – PS4: L3 / Xbox: L3
- Pause Menu – PS4: Options / Xbox: Start