FIFA 16 Leagues Vote is Closed
The voting has been closed on 13 September 2015. FIFA 16 Leagues List has been revealed on 16 September. Only 16 Brazilian clubs from Brazilian league feature in FIFA 16.
Which leagues should be featured in FIFA 16?
Not satisfied with FIFA 15 Leagues list? Here you can vote for the leagues you would like to see in FIFA 16. Show EA Sports which leagues should be officially licensed in FIFA 15.
Drop your vote either here at this page, or at FIFA 16 Leagues Vote page.
If your favourite league name does not exist here, don’t worry! You can ask us to add it to this list.
FIFA 16 Should Be Having:
- Brazilian League (6%, 163,027 Votes)
- Ukrainian League (6%, 161,945 Votes)
- Israeli League (5%, 153,587 Votes)
- Chinese League (5%, 151,336 Votes)
- German 3rd League (5%, 143,899 Votes)
- Thai League (5%, 128,297 Votes)
- Turkish PTT League (5%, 127,464 Votes)
- Egyptian League (4%, 125,229 Votes)
- Hungarian League (4%, 122,888 Votes)
- Iranian League (4%, 121,836 Votes)
- Indian League (4%, 109,863 Votes)
- Malaysian League (4%, 100,050 Votes)
- Greek League (3%, 77,932 Votes)
- Japanese League (3%, 74,488 Votes)
- Czech League (2%, 68,737 Votes)
- UAE Leagues (2%, 60,761 Votes)
- Uruguayan League (2%, 59,849 Votes)
- Indonesian League (2%, 55,859 Votes)
- Azerbaijan League (2%, 55,692 Votes)
- Peruvian League (2%, 54,817 Votes)
- Croatian League (2%, 50,032 Votes)
- Kazakhstan League (2%, 48,944 Votes)
- Moroccan League (2%, 48,928 Votes)
- Algerian League (2%, 47,997 Votes)
- Welsh League (2%, 44,757 Votes)
- Venezuelan League (2%, 42,600 Votes)
- Bangladesh League (2%, 42,543 Votes)
- Qatar League (1%, 35,987 Votes)
- Polish 2nd League (1%, 27,487 Votes)
- English Conference League (1%, 25,873 Votes)
- Serbian League (1%, 23,902 Votes)
- Dutch 2nd League (1%, 17,897 Votes)
- Bulgarian League (1%, 17,660 Votes)
- Tunisian League (1%, 16,271 Votes)
- Slovakian League (1%, 15,701 Votes)
- Finland League (1%, 15,023 Votes)
- Bolivian League (1%, 14,961 Votes)
- Romanian League (0%, 14,134 Votes)
- Vietnamese League (0%, 11,712 Votes)
- Armenian League (0%, 10,867 Votes)
- Albanian League (0%, 10,410 Votes)
- Northern Irish League (0%, 10,406 Votes)
- Bosnian League (0%, 10,164 Votes)
- Ecuadorian League (0%, 9,479 Votes)
- Luxembourg League (0%, 9,373 Votes)
- South African League (0%, 8,939 Votes)
- Belgium 2nd League (0%, 8,691 Votes)
- Kuwait League (0%, 7,646 Votes)
- Uzbekistan League (0%, 7,443 Votes)
- Cyprus League (0%, 7,200 Votes)
- Nigerian League (0%, 6,679 Votes)
- Hong Kong League (0%, 6,288 Votes)
- Paraguayan League (0%, 5,475 Votes)
- Libyan League (0%, 4,291 Votes)
- Icelandic League (0%, 3,595 Votes)
- Macedonian League (0%, 3,577 Votes)
- Mexican 2nd League (0%, 3,467 Votes)
- Afghan League (0%, 2,915 Votes)
- Singapore League (0%, 2,807 Votes)
- Canadian League (0%, 2,381 Votes)
- Lithuanian League (0%, 2,243 Votes)
- Scottish Lower Leagues (0%, 2,030 Votes)
- Lebanese League (0%, 694 Votes)
- Estonian League (0%, 193 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,827,218
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Note : FIFPlay is not an official site of EA Sports. We will only submit the survey result to Electronic Arts.