FIFA 17 Leagues Survey Report – Nov 10
FIFA 17 leagues survey report (Week 7 - November 10th, 2015) - 226,592 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 67 countries. Germany, India and Algeria are the top 3.
FIFA 17 leagues survey report (Week 7 - November 10th, 2015) - 226,592 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 67 countries. Germany, India and Algeria are the top 3.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - September 8th, 2015 (Week 47) - 2,819,268 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - September 1st, 2015 (Week 46) - 2,811,225 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - August 25th, 2015 (Week 45) - 2,784,068 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - August 18th, 2015 (Week 44) - 2,770,959 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - August 4th, 2015 (Week 42) - 2,711,328 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - July 28, 2015 (Week 41) - 2,653,968 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - July 21, 2015 (Week 40) - 2,570,469 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - July 14, 2015 (Week 39) - 2,450,551 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - July 7, 2015 (Week 38) - 2,294,389 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - June 30, 2015 (Week 37) - 2,176,160 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - June 16, 2015 (Week 35) - 1,914,558 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 64 countries. Ukraine, Brazil and Israel are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - May 26, 2015 (Week 32) - 1,511,009 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 60 countries. Ukraine, Israel and Brazil are in the top 3 list.
FIFA 16 leagues survey report - May 12, 2015 (Week 30) - 1,376,838 votes submitted by FIFA fans for 57 countries. Israel, Ukraine and Brazil are in the top 3 list.
Result for FIFA 16 survey on country leagues - October 20th, 2014 - 58,495 votes submitted for 61 countries. Greece, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are in the top three list.
FIFA 16 Leagues Voting Poll - Vote for the soccer leagues you would like to see in FIFA 16. Show EA Sports which football leagues should be licensed in FIFA 16 video-game.