FIFA Mobile – Summer Showdown

FIFA Mobile Summer Showdown

Summer Showdown event in FIFA Mobile is available from 18th to 24th September 2019. This event is an Exhibition type event, where you play Matches and Skill games and Matches to earn rewards.

  • Event: Summer Showdown
  • Type: Exhibition
  • Duration: September 18th to September 24th
  • Energy Type: Beach Energy (Refreshes 1 Beach Energy per hour)
  • Unlock: Reach XP level 3

You must drive your “Bus” to each skill game and match in order to participate in this event. Beach Energy provides the fuel for your bus. Beach Energy is replenished every hour and can be acquired by watching advertisements.

Beach Tokens can be earned by completing events. These can be used to gain players and skill bonuses in the Beach Party chapter. Score goals anywhere in the game to get even more goodies from the Goals chapter. The higher your score, the bigger the rewards.

There are 3 chapters in the Summer Showdown event:


In the Exhibition segment, you’ll use your Beach Energy to play a mix of Skill Games and Matches as your bus makes its way down the course, earning Beach Tokens as you finish each task. After finishing the adventure, you will receive a bonus of 4 Beach Tokens and your course will be reset. Here are the energy expenses and benefits:

FIFA Mobile Summer Showdown

Beach Party

You will use your beach tokens on the Beach Party offer in the Beach Party chapter, which will reward you with one of eight player offers. Each offer costs 25 Beach Tokens to pull, and after a player is claimed for the first time, the offer changes to a skill increase offer. Each player can only be claimed once. In addition, if you claim 10 Beach Party deals, you’ll be rewarded with a Super Summer Logo! Here are the players who are up for grabs:

FIFA Mobile Summer Showdown


You will be rewarded for scoring goals everywhere in the game in the goals chapter! The following are the numerous awards that are available:

FIFA Mobile Summer Showdown


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