FIFA 22 Bronze Pack Method (BPM)

FIFA 22 Bronze Pack Method

The Bronze Pack Method (BPM) is an investment way in FIFA Ultimate Team to in order to receive bronze items from Bronze packs and sell them for a higher price or consume them in SBCs for an upgrade.

The concept behind this method is to buy bronze packs containing 12 FUT items which cost 400 coins (Bronze Pack) or 750 coins (Premium Bronze Pack), and sell each item individually for at least 100 coins and earn extra coins. This means only 4 or 5 items from a 400/750 coin pack can make 400/750 coins and the rest makes profit for you. Keep in mind that sometimes some bronze players could be very worthy as they might be needed for completing some valuable SBCs.

How to do BPM in FUT 22?

Here is a quick guide to bronze pack method:

  • Go to the Store and open a 400-coin / 750-coin Bronze Pack.
  • Compare the price of each players to check the value of them.
  • If you see any valuable item, list them on the Transfer Market
  • Store the rest in your club – They may become more valuable in future or at least they can be used for upgrade SBCs such as Bronze to Silver upgrade.
  • Repeat – This method can be repeated anytime.
  • Stay up to dated and keep track of prices of your bronze players.

Tips & Suggestions

  • Check out the FUT 22 events & dates regularly and try to predict market effects on bronze players that may happen after or before an event.
  • Stay active and check out the price of your bronze players regularly.
  • Clear up your transfer list and don’t make it filled up with bronze players.
  • Quick sell those bronze players that you think they could hardly become valuable due to some factors such as their league, nation or etc.


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