Mystery Ball is a friendly match mode in FIFA 20 which gives the attacking side boosts to their Passing, Shooting, Dribbling, Speed, or All attributes, adding an element of unpredictability to every match.
Mystery Ball matches will be totally random. Every time the ball goes out of play the game will randomly select a new mystery ball type, each with a custom goal range, ranging from 1 to 3 goals.
Mystery Ball mode’s boosts are completely random and they will change to another type when the ball goes out of play or the game restarts. Below shows these random boosts you can get during a mystery ball game mode:
- Passing Boost
- Shooting Boost
- Dribbling Boost
- Speed Boost
- All Attributes Boost
Custom Goal Range
A custom goal range will be assigned randomly to a Mystery Ball match. The range will be from 1 to 3 goals – meaning a single goal will be counted as the assigned range.
How to Play this Mode?
Mystery Ball friendly mode is available in FUT 20 > PLAY > FRIENDLIES screen.
In FIFA Kick-off mode, this game mode is available under House Rules.
Should be added to fut ranked matches
The craziest mode in fifa I love it!!!!