FIFA Mobile – Icons Spotlight

FIFA Mobile Icons Spotlight

Icons Spotlight program is available on FIFA Mobile from 14 October 2021 for all season. By playing this season-long event and completing daily objectives & SBCs you earn great Event Icons including as 115 OVR Prime Icon Ronaldinho as the top.

Play this program and receive Spotlight Points. To get Spotlight Points, complete Daily and Weekly Quests. Completing SBCs will get you extra Spotlight Points. On the Pyramid, use Spotlight Points to get rewards. To earn 115 OVR Prime Icon Ronaldinho, climb to the top of the Pyramid.

Here are the details for each chapter in this event.


Complete the 4 Daily Quests for Spotlight Points by playing different modes and scoring goals. Spotlight Points are awarded for completing each quest. Quests change every day and have various criteria.

2 Spotlight Points

Daily Quests Reward
Rotating Quest 1
Rotating Quest 2 2 Spotlight Points
Rotating Quest 3 2 Spotlight Points
Rotating Quest 4 2 Spotlight Points
Weekly Quest Reward
Complete 25 Individual Daily Quests 80 Spotlight Points
Event Icon Milestones
Milestone Requirements
Use 300 Spotlight Points Choice of 102 OVR Event Icon
Use 600 Spotlight Points Choice of 105 OVR Event Icon
Use 900 Spotlight Points Choice of 108 OVR Event Icon

Spotlight Chapter

You’ll be familiar with how this works if you remember the Hazard event from previous season. Use your Spotlight Points to uncover gifts as you progress down the Pyramid. In order to progress up the Pyramid, you must complete the two nodes immediately beneath it. There are no keys or currencies to unlock specific rows this time.

Row Nodes per Row Spotlight Point Cost Per Node
1 8 5
2 7 10
3 6 20
4 5 30
5 4 50
6 3 80
7 2 100
8 1 200

You can claim your 115 OVR Prime Icon Ronaldinho once you reach the top of the Pyramid. Select the Prime Icon Ronaldinho in the position and with the Skill Boost that best suits your team:

  • LW (Box to Box)
  • CAM (Target Man)


Completing SBCs will get you more Spotlight Points. After completing the Row above on the Pyramid in the Spotlight Chapter, each SBC unlocks. When you finish Row 2 of the Pyramid, for example, SBC #1 becomes available. Only one SBC can be finished at a time.

Min Team OVR No. of Players Req 1 Req 2 Req 3 Reward 2
92 OVR 11 Min 5 Leagues At Least 3 Players In Position 3 Serie A Players 40 Spotlight Points
95 OVR 11 Min 5 Nations 3 EPL Players 3 Ligue 1 Players 45 Spotlight Points
97 OVR 11 5 Exact Nations 3 La Liga Players 3 Bundesliga Players 50 Spotlight Points
99 OVR 11

Min 6 Leagues 11 Exact Clubs At Least 7 Players in Position 60 Spotlight Points
102 OVR 9 Max 2 Players per Nation Max 2 Players per League Exactly 9 Players in Position 75 Spotlight Points

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