Carniball event starts from March 8 in FUT 19. The Cariball event features players from 8 countries that host a carnival and each of the players will embody the play style of his country.
Throughout February and March, world famous Carnivals are held across the globe. While they all share a spirit of creativity, fun and celebration, each also retains elements unique to it’s region. FIFA 19 Ultimate Team Carniball embodies this spirit with a group of players selected from each one of the selected major Carnival host countries. From March 8 to March 15th, join the festivities with the Carniball squad, Prime ICON Moments, SBCs, Themed Objectives and more.
The Carniballers
A total of 26 players will be selected to embody the play style of each of eight major Carnival countries: Brazil (Rio De Janeiro), France (Nice), Belgium (Binche), Italy (Venice), Argentina (Buenos Aires), USA (New Orleans), Spain (Cadiz) and Germany (Cologne). Each player will get a significant ratings upgrade to reflect their style of play.
Prime ICON Moments
Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Roberto Carlos Prime ICON Moment items will be available in packs! Brazil hosts one of the most popular Carnivals in the world and these 4 ICONS perfectly represent Brazilian skill and flair.
Prime ICON Moments, Flashback & Carniball Player SBCs
During every day of Carniball we will celebrate each selected nation by releasing Carniball Player SBCs with Players from that nation. A total of 8 Carniball Players will be released alongside the 14 Carniball players available in packs and the additional 4 through Weekly Objectives.
In addition, 6 Prime ICON Moments SBCs and 2 Flashback players will be released throughout the event, featuring players who represent each Carnival country.
Squad Building Challenges
In addition to the Player SBCs you can also expect Puzzle SBCs that will drop each day during the entire event.