FUT Headliners
Headliners, FUT Headliners or FIFA Headliners are a special dynamic player card for players who had a exceptional performance during their current season so far.
FUT Headliners cards are dynamic, which means their OVR and stats ratings will be upgraded if their players show a good performance in real life. Once the FUT Headliners cards are revealed, each Headliners player will get one in-form upgraded card as FUT Headliners which is higher than their latest qualifying performance based in-form (such as TOTW, MOTM, Hero, Record Breaker or Team of the Group Stage item). Each time the FUT Headliners player earns a subsequent qualifying performance based in-form, their Headliners player item type will dynamically increase to always be one in-form upgrade higher. This means, the FUT Headliner upgrade will always stay one in-form ahead of the most recent qualifying performance based in-form throughout the remainder of the season.
FUT Headliners were introduced on 1st of February 2019 for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team.