Which features should the next version of FIFA Manager have? Which ones should it not have? How should be next version o FM?
What were the bugs in FIFA Manager 11 and older versions? Which version of FIFA Manager was the best one and why?
Write us your ideas, suggestions, concepts and comments for FIFA Manager 12 in the form given below. We will send your ideas, suggestion and comments regading FIFA to EA Sports / Bright Future developers. Be sure that the FM developers are looking for new worthful ideas from FIFA Manager fans.
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You guy make fifa manager and i love it. Why dont you try something like Fifa Pro. where you control a player from on and off the pitch action. Give people the experince to live life like a footballer not just on the pitch.
Make for Mac. More and more are changing to Mac, including myself. I don’t want to install Windows just to be able to play FIFA Manager, so instead, I just don’t play. And I think I’m not the only player you lost after changing to Mac.
Have FIFA Manager on PS3 and make it so you have to rotate your team a bit more
in fifa manager 12 we really need something like an editor it makes it that much more fun and i know because i used to play football manager and that was the spark in it so please take tis into account thanks.
I really hope that FIFA manager 12 can link with FIFA12.
i really want saudi arabia league to be in fifa 12 its the best league in asia and its has the best teams in asia like al-ittihad who won asian cup 3 times and qualifid to world cup 2 times 2004 and 2005 and they almost reach the final but they lost in the semi final 3-2 by sao paulo any way if u but saudi arabian league it will be a really nice touch. there are many arab people want this league. fifa isnt much papoular for arabs but if you but saudi arabian league all the arbs will buy it in last i really hope that saudi league will be in fifa 12 all the best .
If FIFA Manager 12 keep the same editor as the past years, mostly concerning the teams kits,
things will be very unhappy this year too!!!.We’ve been shouting for years that an editor must
change every year, as much as the design of teams kits changes along with fashion. Adidas,
puma,umbro,kappa spts.,le coq sportif etc.are not so many…and they have specific kit designs
for every year…what’s the easiest thing for EA to do than to make a sophisticated tool (crop shirts, shorts & shocks in pieces) and give us the ability to make our kits piece by piece and
fill it with the correct colors…and then playing the match in 3d mode we will have the real thing
and the real thrill…
thank you very much
I want the players to avoid going out of bounce, instead of sometimes accidentally driving the ball out like if the player intentionally wanted to go out of bounce.
why dont you make it like the manager mode of fifa 12, and have selected club scenarios eg trying to take oxford to the premier league and make burton albion win the fa cup…. stuff like that
FIFA manager should put more attention into international competitions. For instance, the Asian Cup, African Cup and Oceanic Cup must all happen now. I say this because if one is managing an English club and spots a talented Kiwi in a world cup fixture, it is impossible to buy and develop that player, because New Zealand only plays international games on the off chance they’re simulated into another world cup. This is the same for African (i.e. Spurs could not have signed Khumalo,) and Asian players, which have far more teams than Oceania, and so their world cup chances are minimal. Because they don’t have qualifiers either, their national teams are useless, and so their leagues are to an extent as well. Why not justify their existence in the game, and complete their functions.
I find that to be essential. And with it, one can manage more international teams, creating a wider appeal. And then their leagues will be more accessible, and perhaps playable.
The other thing, I’d personally like, is the option to manage the a youth team or the reserve team. So, for instance, Man Utd football club wants to hire you as their U12 coach. You then conduct training and issue scouts tasks, handle player contracts, and coach and manage their season. One could work their way up to the U18’s and even be offered the Reserves job. As a youth manager one would have to schedule tournaments, training camps, trials, friendlies etc. And as a reserve coach one has the responsibility of organizing training camps and sessions for players not involved in first team sessions. Players can come in on trial, and players are moved between the first team and reserve team. And players can be borrowed from the youth teams.
There is a lot to manage at youth and reserve level, and could be enjoyable for a career option. If you’re a Liverpool fan, and want to start a career in managing at the club, you can. You start off at which ever level you prefer and aim to work your way up.
You should be able to hire staff as a low league team too, as long as you have the money for it.
the gameplay should improve cuz only forwards are scoring goals and top midfielders such as gerrard ,pirlo spend their seasons goalless
let there be 2 versions of this game 1 already being fifa manager but should involve the same engine used in fifa series and all players should come under gamers control . Next let there be fifa pro involving personal life of pro , let it involve international competition and awards like fifa gala ceremony.
the should be a shirt reveal for new transfers,testimonials for retiring players,have manager avatar,use the real epl,fa cup,champs league logos and score display…….change commentrie tired of martin tyler and andy put them back on fifa 13
Fifa manager should have a 20 % installment of managing your personal life wife buying things etc in a much more enjoyable way and consiquences of loving football too much as a manager until you get divorced etc. Children etc but in a more interactive way just like the way the players talk to you .
Fifa manager 11 was a total suck in the level and form relation (while showing players levels ) , form of players are low even when they are selected for matches , i hope they use the same way they used untill manager 10 which was the best ever
randomise the cup draws better: i played burnley then reading every year in the fa cup without fail.
international callups.
Register important games in a season such as a potentually title winning game or a big derby, if i won the league, the only way i found out was if it went to the final game, if i won it with games to spare, nothing was said.
I hope our manager can be called up to manage an international team
Make it possible on Editor to add more (league) cup’s, because you can’t add more, you’re there is an grey thing block’s it
I think that it should have swap mode and it should contain american champions league and other so that we can play the world club championship
In fifa 12 instead of news paper there should a ESPN or BLITZ reporter talking about the the things that should be in the papers.
making an team without having to have live a
better growth of young players
add all Man City new players
add all summer and winter transfers 2011
fifa 11 was the worst one in the game play development of other teams is very important that your team only develops and it would be such an easy game
Make available for Mac and PS3!
In manager mode your team should other means of gaining income eg. selling the team’s merchandise or commercials and so on.
Be able to represent international teams in player manager mode! And play in international tournaments eg world cup every four years and the euro
Make it on mac
As @anel said more dribbles and passes vision need to be improved drastically because in the game a player will have acres of space and turn around and run the other way unlicensed teams to be given real or fake sponsors a small thing like able to un tuck shirt and long sleeves so everyone doesn’t look so square and the same
In manager mode you should be aloud to swap players for transfers and trade players in for others also you should be aloud to change your kits and design new ones there should also be referee mode.
Make it available on Mac!!!
put the Croatian league in the game already !
Dinamo , Hajduk etc ,
Have avatar items you can unlock for your avatar such as :
Complete a season with your favorite team in career mode, Unlocks : there shirt / kit .
Score a hat-trik in a game,
Unlocks : football
saudian,romanian,ukranian,argentian league , more international teams like in fifa world cup 2010
When you go to news you should add a transfer news and you pick a league and see all the transfers in and out of that league.
You guys @ EA are doing a good job but in order to fend-off competition from football manager i really like the following to be included in fifa manager 12
1) The players should have their correct boots like in fifa12
2) Player likeness shud b improved upon
3) Players should’nt have to cut the ball to the right to take every shot (even in plays were tap-in’s are required the players would still drag the ball to the right before shooting
4) Please let the 3D engine used be that also used in fifa12 that fifa manager 11 3d engine needs overhauling
5)There should’nt also be anything like difficulties e.g very easy, easy, hard etc
Fifa 12/13 & Fifa Manager 12/13
I think the matchday should have a better, more eccentric feel.
Implementing the following could improve this situation:
– Having to pick a matchday squad and/or starting XI 2 days before the game.
Then publish this in a newspaper that is sent out a day before
– Pre and/or post-match conferences should take place
– The ability to create different pre-season tournaments that have a sponser/s that
pay for the tournament expenses etc. E.g. Audi Cup/Emirates Cup etc.
Bg name transfers should have press conferences to announce their arrival
– In Be A Pro Mode, you should have to start in the reserves and work your way up through
training matches
– (BAP) You should have to do well to get sponsers who give you boots etc.
– (BAP) There should be world player of the year & European Player of the Year Awards. And
if you win, it should show your player in a suit with the award
– (BAP) If You get promoted to the 1st team, ypu should start on the bench and maybe not even get subbed in. Then 5 mins playing time etc. etc.
– (BAP) You should be able to play for your country at qualifiers and competitions.
In Tiger Woods12 you can purchase extra golf courses from the playstation store why does this not apply for fifa12 where u could purchase leagues of your country or even international teams?
i wood like to add,all summer and winter transfers 2011 and Serbian league.
I think you should be able to buy better cars, like BMW’s and Mercedes Benz
I am a big fan of this game. I’ve been playin it since TCM 05.
Some improvements that i wish to see are-
The signings at present are too boring…. When players are signed they should be taken to conference and ground to meet the fans. It would be more realistic. Signings between rival clubs should be as minimized as possible.. More tactical approach for games… Thank You!!!
Hello, i would like you to add:
-Champions League
-World Cup 2014-all qualification round to be able to play in Manager mode with all the national teams from all qualifications zones
-The National teams of Mexico and Bolivia
teams in lower leagues in england get to play in fa cup
improve editor options
it would be good for variety in the game.
1/ you can buy various fields and the field also have damage
2/ at new sponsors coming on the kit
Hello, i would like you to add
– International teams like Bosnia and more ..
– More leagues
– More Dribble’s and Passes
– Better gameplay, it should be like FIFA 12
Thanks, those was my idea’s 🙂 hope you put em up !
hi ea
in fifa manager have a big problem …when you play manager in 2012 year and 10 seasons passed ..superstars like messi and other superstars tired and in next years young superstars not borned and manager mode in 5 or 6 seasons likely and in other years very confiused
please solve this problem