FIFA 20 Customise Controls & Controller Settings

FIFA 20 Custom Controls

In FIFA 20, you are able to customise your controller settings from assisted to semi- or full-manual controls on player switching, passing/lob passing/crossing, shooting, right stick switching, GK saving, sprinting and defending.

Some people say that customising controls in FIFA 20 will give you more freedom and help you play better. Here is a guide on FIFA 20 manual controls, the explanation and details on FIFA 20 controls customisation.

Controls customisation is available in FIFA 20 at CUSTOMISE > SETTINGS > CUSTOMISE CONTROLS.


Control Option
FIFA Trainer

Show / Hide
Choose whether you want to show or hide the Trainer during gameplay.

Timed Finishing

Trigger a timed finish by double tapping the button assigned to the "Shoot" action when attempting a strike. The precision and timing of the second button tap determines the result of the contact; perfectly timed strikes increase a shot’s accuracy and power, while poorly timed contacts make the shot more likely to miss the mark.

Disable Timed Finishing that double tapping the shot button to shoot will not impact the shot quality.

Second Defender Switch Icon

Enables the Second Defender Switch Icon which shows to which player you will swap controls when pressing L1/LB while defending.

Disables the Second Defender Switch Icon.

Pass Block Assistance

Enable Pass Block Assistance so that your AI controlled players and User controlled players will attempt to intercept a pass automatically when the ball is close by.

Disable the Pass Block Assistance for your User controlled players so they don’t attempt to intercept the ball when it’s close by. Instead, they will stay in position and you manually need to launch a block/tackle.

Auto Switching

Air Balls and Loose Balls
AI will only switch for you on Lobs and Crosses, and Loose Balls. Otherwise, you are on your own.

AI will switch to the best player for you. If you would like to switch to someone else you can still override our selection by pressing the switch button.

AI will never switch for you, you are on your own.

Auto Switching Move Assistance

None / Low / High
Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player.


Jockey speed will be assisted to help you stay close yo tour opponent, but there is no directional assistance.

When jockeying there will be no speed or directional assistance. You are on your own.

Right Stick Switching

Player Relative
When defending, the player you control will act as the center point of reference for any Right Stick switching (This is the default setting).

Ball Relative
When defending, the ball will act as the center point of reference for any Right Stick switching.

Pass Assistance

Pass direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players.

The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Pass power is assisted, but AI will only help you a little with the direction.

Through Ball Assistance

Through ball direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players.

The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Shot Assistance

Shot direction will be assisted to always aim towards the goal.

The direction you aim is the direction the shot will go.

You have to aim toward the target to keep your shots on target.

Cross Assistance

Cross direction will be assisted towards a team mate. Cross power will be assisted to front or back post areas and there will be no power bar on the cross.

The direction you point is the direction the cross goes, and the longer you hold the button to perform crosses, the stronger the cross will be.

You have to choose the right power, but cross direction will be assisted to front and back post areas.

Lob Pass Assistance

Lob pass direction and power will be assisted so lob passes will be played towards a team mate.

The direction you point is the direction the lob pass goes, and the longer you hold the lob pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Save Assistance

Balls relatively close to your body will be automatically saved, for all the others you need to get positioning and timing right. Direction doesn’t matter.

Just reflex saves are automatic, every other ball will depend on your positioning, timing, and the direction you attempt to save.

Balls close to your body will be automatically saved, for all other balls you need to get positioning, direction and timing right.

Analog Sprint

On / Off
Turning on Analog Sprint allows you to control how fast you sprint. The further you hold sprint button, the faster the player will run.


Tactical Defending / Legacy Defending
‘Tactical Defending’ gives you the ability to time your tackles and maintain your position like never before. ‘Legacy Defending’ gives you familiar defending controls of past FIFA titles.

Power Receiver Lock

The pass receiver is locked as late as possible, close to the time when the ball is kicked. This is the default setting.

The pass receiver is locked early, at the time when the kicking animation begins.

Default Settings
  • FIFA Trainer: Show
  • Timed Finishing: On
  • Second Defender Switch Icon: On
  • Pass Block Assistance: On
  • Auto Switching: Air Balls and Loose Balls
  • Auto Switching Move Assistance: None
  • Jockey: Assisted
  • Right Stick Switching: Player Relative
  • Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Through Ball Assistance: Assisted
  • Shot Assistance: Assisted
  • Cross Assistance: Semi
  • Lob Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Save Assistance: Semi
  • Analog Sprint: On
  • Defending: Tactical Defending
  • Pass Receiver Lock: Late

Switching to Full Manual Controls
  • FIFA Trainer: Hide
  • Timed Finishing: On
  • Second Defender Switch Icon: Off
  • Pass Block Assistance: On
  • Pass Assistance: Manual
  • Auto Switching Move Assistance: None
  • Jockey: Assisted
  • Right Stick Switching: Player Relative
  • Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Through Ball Assistance: Manual
  • Shot Assistance: Manual
  • Cross Assistance: Manual
  • Lob Pass Assistance: Manual
  • Save Assistance: Manual
  • Analog Sprint: On
  • Defending: Tactical Defending
  • Pass Receiver Lock: Late


Action Classic Button Alternate Button Tow Button One Button
Through Ball Triangle / Y Triangle / Y    
Lob Pass/Cross/Header Square / X Circle / B    
Shoot/Volley/Header Circle / B Square / X Circle / B  
Short Pass/Header X / A X / A X / A  
Player Run/Modifier L1 / LB L1 / LB Unused  
Finesse Shot Modifier R1 / RB R1 / RB    
Protect Ball L2 / LT L2 / LT    
Sprint R2 / RT R2 / RT R2 / RT (Optional)  
Move Player L L L L
Tactics & Mentality DPad DPad    
Action       X / A


Action Classic Button Alternate Button Tow Button One Button
Rush GK (Hold Down) Triangle / Y Triangle / Y    
Sliding Tackle Square / X Circle / B Circle / B  
Tackle/Push or Pull (when chasing) Circle / B Square / X    
Contain X / A X / A    
Defender Press     X / A  
Change Player L1 / LB L1 / LB L1 / LB (Optional)  
Teammate Contain R1 / RB R1 / RB    
Jockey L2 / LT L2 / LT    
Sprint R2 / RT R2 / RT R2 / RT (Optional)  
Move Player L L L L
Tactics & Mentality DPad DPad    
Action       X / A

Comments (6)

6 thoughts on “FIFA 20 Customise Controls & Controller Settings

  1. I find it difficult to mark with my two men. Also tackle ball when my opponent is with the ball. What should I do

  2. Hello,
    I am facing a problem when I used to play with my friend in 2 player match. He uses keyboard using custom control. I use Controller. Now i also want use the alternate or custom settings for my controller. But it seems i can’t. Basically, what is happening, if both of use custom controls then only can play with their own settings, others is switched to classic. Its very irritating. Is there any solution? TIA.

  3. I play Fifa 20 in my gaming laptop with qountom controller , I don’t know how to do skills and how to do banana kick , and I have problem that my player dose not stop rolling skill even I I try to stop it But he doesn’t stop. Plzz help me to know abut skills and banana kick’s control in my local qountom controller.

  4. Again a great site with an overview about the the possible custom controls.
    Just some minor 5 cents from me to the topic.

    ■ Second Defender Switch Icon
    There is an option in the Gameplay settings to choose how GREAT this icon should be. I like for example the great version more for both players.
    ■ Pass Block Assistance:
    also if you have here Off your KI players will STILL do it.
    As you write too.
    Btw: for me it seems not to be so good for your controlled player, L2 (Jockey) – not L2/R2 seems the best for blocking. But maybe i dont appreciate this option not really, because i am defending all the time myself.
    And no drop back with 1 Line 😉
    ■ Auto Switching Move Assistance :
    you mentioned it right. Also some pros dont understand this option. Its only important if you habe “auto” at the “Auto switching” option.
    BUT: i did test it with auto and i am not sure if this “running a short time” really works.
    Like many of EAs control options. For example the “Power receiver lock”.
    I cannot really see where there is that great a difference between early and late in the passing options …
    ■ Attack and defence controls
    here are only very basic, but there is a better page with full info here site.
    But my advice: dont try other than Alternate setting, instead of Classic. If you mix more (for example R1 for Sprint etc.) many control commands can become very complicated.
    Rembember the tentacle comment of Kurt 😉
    ■ Analog Sprint:
    is great when you are used to it. In the midfield you can dose your speed.
    ■ Save Assistance:
    i think this is not useful/thought for the normal single player games. Its for pro club i think.
    ■ Lob Pass Assistance:
    its the only thing many players use with OFF, because you can better dose such passes. But now with the double-Triangle (lobbed through pass) there is a very good new option for this at the box.
    Most important for lob and other passes: if you do them, dont press the R2-Sprint Button, they are otherwise not so precise.

    I also agree with your Standard Settings proposal.
    With one exception: for me it works better/fast if i have Jockey to manual not assisted.
    And to “Full Manual Control”: Good luck to use this. Also if here would be the everywhere so hard missed skill-gap 😉

  5. Hellos
    I have a problem with my button configurations , when I access the defensive button options the press option disappears and it’s appears as contain , I can’t find how I can use my “X” button to press during the game instead of the settings giving me x as a contain option I can’t find press on the menu anore thenks

    1. Hello, have you tried to modify your preset (Classic / Alternate). If your preset is Alternate, you need to change it to Classic or vice versa.

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