FIFA 17 Manual Controls

FIFA 17 Custom Controls

In FIFA 17 you can customise your controller settings to semi or full manual controls on player switching, passing/lob passing/crossing, shooting, GK saving, sprinting and defending.

Many people believe that playing with manual controls will give you more freedom and will allow you to play better. Here is a guide on FIFA 17 manual controls, the explanation and details on FIFA 17 controls customisation – Check out also the FIFA 17 Controls at

You can customise your controls in FIFA 17, under CUSTOMISE > SETTINGS > CUSTOMISE CONTROLS.

Customise Controls
Control Option

Auto Switching

Air Balls
CPU will switch for you on Lobs and Crosses.

CPU Will switch to the best player for you. You can still switch to someone else by pressing the switch button.

CPU will never switch for you, you are on your own.

Auto Switching Move Assistance

Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player.

Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player.

Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player.

Pass Assistance

Pass direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid popponent players.

The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Pass power is assisted, but the CPU will only help ylu a little with direction.

Through Ball Assistance

Through ball direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid popponent players.

The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Shot Assistance

Shot direction will be assisted to always aim towards the goal.

The direction you aim is the direction the shot will go.

You have to aim toward the target to keep your shots on target.

Cross Assistance

Cross direction will be assisted towards a team mate. Cross power will be assisted to front or back post areas and there will be no power bar on the cross.

The direction you point is the direction the cross goes, and the longer you hold the button to perform crosses, the stronger the cross will be.

You have to choose the right power, but cross direction will be assisted to front and back post areas.

Lob Pass Assistance

Lob pass direction and power will be assisted so lob passses will be playerd towards a team mate.

The direction you point is the direction the lob pass goes, and the longer you hold the lob pass button, the stronger the pass will be.

Save Assistance (GK Mode)

Balls relatively close to your body will be automatically saved, for all the others you need to get positioning and timing right. Direction doesn’t matter.

Just reflex saves are automatic, every other ball will depend on your positioning, timing, and the direction you attempt to save.

Balls close to your body will be automatically saved, for all other balls you need to get positioning, direction and timing right.

Analog Sprint

Turning on Analog Sprint allows you to control how fast you sprint. The further you hold sprint button, the faster the player will run.


Default Settings

  • Auto Switching: Air Balls
  • Auto Switching Move Assistance: None
  • Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Through Ball Assistance: Assisted
  • Shot Assistance: Assisted
  • Cross Assistance: Semi
  • Lob Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Save Assistance: Semi
  • Analog Sprint: On

Switching to Full Manual Controls

  • Auto Switching: Manual
  • Auto Switching Move Assistance: Manual
  • Pass Assistance: Manual
  • Through Ball Assistance: Manual
  • Shot Assistance: Manual
  • Cross Assistance: Manual
  • Lob Pass Assistance: Manual
  • Save Assistance: Manual
  • Analog Sprint: On

Comments (4)

4 thoughts on “FIFA 17 Manual Controls

  1. The game ought to be manual controls period..
    EA would do well to offer a DLC add on that’s just manual gameplay.
    It makes things so much better.

  2. When turning autoswitching to manual, I am still getting automatically switched a lot, especially if I am in the defending team.
    This often leads to me suddenly running a player in the wrong direction, because I don’t notice I switched. Is there a way to turn this completely off.
    “CPU will never switch for you” is definitely not true.

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