FIFA 15 Sixth Update

FIFA 15 Update

A new title update is available now for FIFA 15 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox and Xbox One.

This update brings the important fix on Team of the Season that EA mentioned earlier. It also addresses certain issues that FIFA community has identified, such as:

PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4

  • Improved security against coin farming.
  • Fixed Transfer Market search functionality in FIFA Ultimate Team.
  • Added ability to reset tournament progress in FIFA Ultimate Team as a workaround for being stuck in a tournament tree.
  • Various stability fixes to improve the FIFA 15 experience.

Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

  • Improved security against coin farming
  • Added Origin Login Verification.
  • Fixed Transfer Market search functionality in FIFA Ultimate Team.
  • Added ability to reset tournament progress in FIFA Ultimate Team as a workaround for being stuck in a tournament tree.
  • Various stability fixes to improve the FIFA 15 experience.

Take note, that you will be notified automatically in Origin main menu once the patch is ready to download.

FIFA 15 Update 5
FIFA 15 News

Comments (2)

2 thoughts on “FIFA 15 Sixth Update

  1. Is it going to fix “Weekly Highlights” & “Live Match-Day” game modes on PS4!???

    This is ridiculous, Its been almost 6 months & as such a massive part of the game & massive advertised feature of it’s “live weekly update system” it still seems to be deactivated with no word at all from EA Sports!

    What the hell is going on??

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